Special: Guaranteed Major News Sites
Our Service Gets You Cited and Quoted In Your Niche
With Visual Photo and Clips – Get The Edge!

headshot with media logos & citations

Scroll down for

  • Your Problem that We Solve For You
  • Sample of Applying Your Picture and Logos in LinkedIn
  • Sample of Citation, Area of Expertise and Call to Action
  • Plug and Play Format and Price for Guaranteed Placement in 4 media outlets
  • Video explaining your shortcut solution to Differentiate, Compete & Thrive
  • Slide Show How To Get Them To Choose You
  • Testimonials from legal zoom, internet guru, best selling authors, consultants, business owners
  • Postcard Summary
  • For questions, Email jklein@tmv.com or leave a message at 212.628.2178



    You know how it’s hard to get into national publications like NBC, CBS, ABC, & Fox so you can become a celebrity in your field of expertise?


    I do this by utilizing a special “insider’s” website and a unique press release format to guarantee this for any serious professional. You will have a LinkedIn profile picture just like mine which will get them to chose you every time. Your use of “as seen in” with logos is authorized and your citations will also be available to you. To become a cited media expert:



    Stand Out from 300 million professionals in searches done within Major Business Network

    Sample linkedin.com/in/juneklein

    Sample of How I Approached One of my Expertise Areas: Tech Mogul Wealth Management Services.

    The quote I used to address my clients’ pain point.
    The action follow-up for a complementary session with myself and collaborator from Bernstein Wealth Management.

    Sample Recommended Professional, Quote, Niche,Placement

    Sample Format to follow

    4 Major News Sites for one time fee of $2,500

    Buy Now!


    VIDEO: Your Shortcut Solution to Differentiate, Compete & Thrive




    Any questions, Email jklein@tmv.com or leave a message at 212.628.2178
    Read the story of my profile to see how I became a Master of profiting from changing competitive landscapes & how this will help you identify opportunities while managing complexity & risk.


    1. Legal Zoom Online Legal Services
      – Legal Zoom Online Legal Services
    2. “This is how I then went on to get featured on CNN, Wall Street Journal, TV, Radio, Magazines , become a Speaker for Tony Robbins and other conferences, and get a best selling book deal with Jack Canfield! All because I paid to play and got these media citations.”
      – Greig Wells Author, Speaker
    3. “Media authority is something every business and professional should have. It helps you stand out from the crowd and differentiates yourself as an expert in your field”.- Frank Kern Internet Marketing Expert
    4. “Shortly after uploading my profile with the major media logos, I had a meeting with a publishing company. I’m writing a chapter as the “Feng Shui Expert” in a personal development book. This will reach over 100 countries, and have over 30,000 distributors, inlcudiing Amazon, Barnes and Noble and Instagram.” – Brenni Larson Author, Host, Academy Owner
    5. “Since adding the media logos to my picture, I have noticed a dramatic increase in the number of persons contacting me about my products and services and viewing my profiles on my various social media sites. Also within 8 days of adding the media logos to my picture my book sales doubled! I am very happy with the amount of exposure, interest and business having the the media logos on my picture is generating for me. ” – Rebecca Noel Facilitator Author
    6. “As an author, I paid to get on Best Seller lists, but this press release on steroids and visual, credible image did more for increasing my visibility and getting buyer attention”. – Murray Beaulieu Finance Analyst Semiconductor Company
    7. “I took advantage of this offer and found that it is not unlike buying a $2,500 tailored Armani business suit instead of a $99.00 polyester blend off the rack at Walmart…. They both send a message about who you are to the rest of the world… I liked the message I sent.” James Kurt New Customer Consultant, Author
    8. “Since updating my profile image in LinkedIn I have noticed a marked increase in the number of connections I have and more people wanting to stay in contact. People are commenting approvingly about my profile image with media logos on Facebook as well. People are reaching out to me from all over. I get the feel of a more professional acceptance. Overall, I am very happy with the positive exposure I am getting and expect it to translate into higher conversions for the local business marketing solutions and services that I provide.” – Lydia Wolfensperger Marketing, Advertising
    9. The biggest surprise for me in all of this was the added confidence my citation gives me. Not only am I no longer ‘just another face in the crowd,’ but I no longer feel like* just another face in the crowd. I feel like I deserve to be seen for what I have to offer my clients. – Richard Powell Branding Consultant

    Any questions, Email jklein@tmv.com or leave a message at 212.628.2178

    Snapshot info
    Snapshot info

    Keywords: LinkedIn Job Search Coach, LinkedIn Profile Optimization, Profile Optimization Expert, Search Optimization Expert, SEO, Recruitment Sourcing, Executive Coach, Local Offline Marketing, Local SEO, Be Found, Be Found on LinkedIn, Come up in LinkedIn Search, LinkedIn Profile Branding, Connection Rate, Copy Writing, Profile Conversion, Webinar Conversion, Internet Marketing, Positioning, Branding, Customer Conversion Strategy, Differentiating You.

    Special: Guaranteed Major News Sites – Our Service Gets You Cited and Quoted In Your Niche With Visual Photo and Clips – Get The Edge!


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